
Gewürzgurken (by Spreewaldrabe)
aka: handverlesen und fein gewürzt


Size: From 2 – 4 cm length, up to 1 cm diameter

Colour: Paddock green

Shape: Slim, capriciously curvy, fine delicate knobs

Crunchyness: Queen of crunchyness

Taste: Despite their excellent appearance, these gorgeous looking gherkins unfortunately cannot keep what they promise. With the first bite, which is honestly a very delightful crunch, disappointment cannot arise soon enough, while waiting invane for its taste to spread, as surprisingly, nothing but salt and water evolves these firm ambitious pretenders.

Spicyness: watery, slightly salty

Persistency: A week (a jarr of 330g)

Pricing: 0,99 Euros

Gurken Ranking: 4 out of 10


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