Katier at pickledfeet: Workshop – Light Unseen, 10th October 09, 2 pm


Thought is a radiant, creative, almost material power, the fiat lux of
the bible. During the process of thinking, the soul turns the atoms of
the brain into waves and makes its phosphor glow. With concentrating
ones thought onto any object with simple outlines, like a bottle for
example, the fluidic thought image will be forced out through the eyes
to expose itself through the power of its glow onto the photographic
plate. The result is a photographic image.

[Louis Darget, 1911]

In “Light Unseen” participants will try, throughout a variety of
thoughto-photographic experiments, to focus, force, project and
possibly expose thoughts onto photosensitive materials.

All necessary materials, including photographic emulsion, chemicals,
film, paper and polaroid will be provided. Containers or devices may be
constructed here or welcome to be brought along.

Thoughts are welcome. Results cannot be promised.

No experience required.

Cost: €10 per participant (this includes materials, and food)

Please email m@1010.co.uk to reserve a place (strictly limited)
_____-micro_research, pickledfeet, Linienstrasse 54, Berlin 10119

U2, Rosa-Luxemburg-Pl.
U8, Rosenthaler Pl.

Mobile Darkroom Kabinett Construction Part II

Meanwhile my favourite giallo “La tarantula del vientre negro” is looping in the background, the kabinett is slowly taking over the studio. Unfortunately the so called light tight molton leeks light — I will have to make another layer of that black monster. It’s time for a Campari Soda!




Mobile Darkroom Kabinett Construction Part I


With nearly all the ingredients assembled, it is time to start the construction of my first mobile darkroom kabinett, to be able to proceed with new thoughtographic experiments at any time and any place. The mobile darkroom kabinett will be the bigger sister of a mobile laboratory for photosensitive chemistry and processings which has been successfully finished earlier this year.

It will be portable, stable – at least I hope so – and completely light tight. Just a comfortable seat has to be provided at the respective location.

Measurements: 1,30m x 1,70m x 2,20 m.
Materials: Aluminium, metal, molton and velcro

See images of the laboratory below, with many thanks to Lindsay

wv6.jpg .


Thoughtography – Mirror, Mirror …


This is katiers first experiment concentrating into a mirror, coated with photographic emulsion, trying to focus, expose and reveal the image hiding behind the foggy blurriness.

Exposure time: 20 minutes
Developing Time: 9 minutes, using Adox Developer
Result: tiny, somehow suspicious black spots throughout the mirror

Image: scan of the exposed and processed mirror

Breakthrough 27th June Berlin



Breakthrough is created as an experimental 12 hour event distributed across Berlin locations, inter-network and radio space. Self-organising nodes construct an event occupied with the dislocation of representation [language, software], time and space, and maintained with a strict scheduling and interrupt system backbone (micro-FM and Internet).

The term breakthrough describes a sudden shift in understanding or technologies, and, finally, a clearing (Lichtung), an entry into unknown and unmapped territories. An enclosure is breached allowing access to another, totally unforeseen state or space. Communication is thus implied, a new form of exchange, perhaps between two otherwise unconnected domains, between the living and the dead, between many worlds. What does the sheer possibility of a breakthrough imply for communication between the past and the future?

Breakthrough, as event, signals a change in direction, a pointing towards new ways of actively describing and creating the world. Within a complex mise en scene of workshops, lectures and performances, diverse artists, theorists, researchers, and hackers collaborate in the creation of a breakthrough which can rupture the enclosure of scientific rationalism and enlightenment without recourse to named magic.

backyardradio Berlin, Benjamin Cadon, Alejo Duque, Leif Elggren, Verena Friedrich, Brendan Howell, Jonathan Kemp, Martin Kuentz, Bjørn Magnhildøen, Olga Panadés Massanet, PATO, Shintaro Miyazaki, Douglas Park, Otto Rossler, Der Tapeman, TeleKommunisten, Danja Vassiliev

| deadSwap network

ad undas network

practical endophysics, sound and radio wave transitions, diagrammatic formation, clustering and islanding, simulations coding and exploration, biologic interface, crashing, brain writing, construction, environmental steganography, data forensics, escape hatch literature, novel geometry description, life coding, interrupt theatre, pornographic coding, amateur radio astronomy

Constructivist workshop
Breakthrough will be constructed and prepared within a three day workshop at _____micro_research [Berlin]

2PM 24,25,26 June 2009 2PM. Linienstrasse 54. Berlin 10119


Byrne: “I do not want to get a long half-hour involvement about Faraday cages, diodes, or transistors and so on. Ken, in very simple language and very shortly, have you been able to break this thing technically?”
Attwood: “Technically, no.”
[Voices From The Tapes. Peter Bander. 1973]

Whatever you feed into the machine on subliminal level the machine will process–So we feed in ‘dismantle thyself’ […] We fold in writers of all time in together and record radio programs, movie sound tracks, TV and juke box songs all the words of the world stirring around in a cement mixer and pour in the resistance message “Calling partisans of all
nation–Cut word lines–Shift linguals–Free doorways–Vibrate ‘tourists’– Word falling–Photo falling–Breakthrough in Grey Room.

[William S. Burroughs. The Soft Machine. 1961]

Breakthough is supported by:
Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Berlin 2009

With the assistance and collaboration of:
backyardradio Berlin
General Public
Mute Magazine
STYX Project Space

A production of:
_____-micro_research, pickledfeet, Linienstrasse 54, Berlin 10119

U2, Rosa-Luxemburg-Pl. U8, Rosenthaler Pl.
Telephone: 3050187482.

Katier shows: “Wach sind nur die Geister” – Über Gespenster und ihre Medien PHOENIX Halle Dortmund


Abbildung / Image: Agnès Geoffray, Night #3, 20 x 30 cm, 2005

‘Awake Are Only the Spirits’ – On Ghosts and Their Media

Hartware MedienKunstVerein at PHOENIX Halle Dortmund
16 May – 18 October 2009
Thu+Fri 16:00-20:00, Sat+Sun 11:00-20:00

OPENING: FRIDAY, 15 MAY 2009, 19:00

The exhibition ‘Awake Are Only the Spirits’ – On Ghosts and Their Media is dedicated to a topic that appears, at first glance, timeless: it involves the presence of the supernatural – the appearance of ghosts and (trans-)communication with ‘the beyond’ facilitated by technical media. The exhibition begins with the audio-tape archive of Friedrich Jürgenson who discovered the so-called Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) in 1959. As a result of the strong interest in the topic on behalf of contemporary artists, the exhibition questions why – despite our faith in the rational – at regular intervals irrational properties are ascribed to respective new media and technologies, such as those purportedly serving as channels for messages from ‘the beyond’. The exhibition shows 22 international artistic positions questioning the existence of ghosts, exploring the integration of new media and technologies in spiritualist contexts, investigating the making-visible or making-perceptible of the invisible, and tracing the political implications as well as the aesthetics of such contemporary trans-communication phenomena.
Inke Arns, Thibaut de Ruyter

Inke Arns & Thibaut de Ruyter

Lucas & Jason Ajemian (US)
Archive of an Anonymous Ghost-Seer (DE), curated by hans w. koch
Sam Ashley (US)
Corinne May Botz (US)
Erik Bünger (SE)
Damien Cadio (FR)
Michael Esposito (US)
Nina Fischer/Maroan el Sani (DE)
Agnès Geoffray (FR)
Kathrin Günter (DE)
Carl Michael von Hausswolff (SE)
Tim Hecker (CA)
Susan Hiller (GB)
Martin Howse (GB)
International Necronautical Society (GB)
Friedrich Jürgenson (SE)
Joep van Liefland (NL)
Chris Marker (FR)
Jorge Queiroz (PT)
Scanner (GB)
Jan Peter E.R. Sonntag (DE)
Suzanne Treister (GB)

The Clearing


Recording Device: Self Constructed Eye Kamera with Instant Image Filmholder, 3rd Version [Medium Format]
Film: Black&White Polaroid 667, 3000 ASA
Daylight Collection: short walk to the supermarket, no intentional daylight collection
Exposure Time: 19 minutes;
Visual Thought Keywords during Exposure: Extreme concentration on producing a light spot in the lower middle part of the image