Katier shows: International Teletext Art Festival 16th August – 16th September

“The road begins from here. Teletext is the future.” Artist Janne Suni May 2012

Teletext, first invented some 30 years ago, utilizes the “vertical blanking interval” lines that together form the dark band dividing pictures horizontally on the television screen. Technically it has remained almost unchanged until recently when TV became digital. Teletext being an amazing success story still attracts millions of visitors daily for the latest news headlines, weather reports or sports results.

The potential of Teletext as an tool for artistic expression has not yet been fully discovered though the aesthetics of Teletext have slowly creeped in to the most fashionable street ware, graffiti and fine art. Is the next big word in intellectual small talk of the hip, rich and famous going to be teletextualism? Time will show, but since it happens The International Teletext Art Festival gives the possibility to the ARD Text users to decide for themselves.

Participating artists: Ashley Anderson, Bym, Frederic Cambus, Max Capacity, Cordula Ditz, Maria Duncker, Dan Farrimond, Kathrin Günter, Francis Hunger, Juha van Ingen, Raquel Meyers, Dave Needham, Rich Oglesby, Seppo Renvall, Janne Suni, Jarkko Räsänen and Kari Yli-Annala

The International Teletext Art Festival is a FixC cooperative project made in collaboration with ARD Text.

More info and press images:

Juha van Ingen FixC phone. +358 (0)405932694 email: itaf at fixc.fi
Info on exhibition: Pflueger68
ARD text website: ARD text
FixC cooperative: fixc

Star Shots III – The Go-Between: The Double

Double, etheric counterpart of the physical body which, when out of coincidence, may temporarily move about in space in comparative freedom and appear in various degrees of density to others. The belief in the existence of the double, or astral body, is age old, its acceptance as a working hypothesis solves many a puzzling problem in psychical research.
Nandor Fodor, Encyclopaedia of Psychic Science 1966

Image from the series Star Shots III – The Go-between

Star Shots III – The Go-between

Of what is called spirit photography it is impossible to doubt that such photographs have been honestly produced or obtained by Sir Wm. Crookes, Mr. Traill Taylor, Mr. Glendinning, Rev. Stainton Moses, Madame d’Esperance, and others. They are of three main classes: (1) Portraits of living discarnate beings or spirits; (2) Pictures or effigies or lay figures, often very incomplete, and not necessarily human-like; (3) Reproductions of physical pictures, or other objects.

(D.B. M’Lachlan, in the Journal of the S.P.R., Feb. 1900, p. 185)
Excerpt from: Photographing The Invisible – Practical studies in supernormal photography, script, and other allied phenomena by James Coates, 1911, p. 16

Of what is called paparazzi photography it is impossible to doubt that such photographs have been honestly produced or obtained. They are of three main classes: (1) Portraits of living discarnate beings or spirits; (2) Pictures or effigies or lay figures, often very incomplete, and not necessarily human-like; (3) Reproductions of physical pictures, or other objects.

Below are some of quite a few exposures achieved in my darkroom experiments over the weekend. For now, I will call them The apparitions of Vic.

Star Shots III

Another spirit celeb’ materialised herself in my darkroom cabinet today. As I mentioned in an earlier post the long announced Star Shots III series is slowly shaping into a rather ghostly series of images through a somehow mysterious agent.

The scan of the original hand proof (b/w baryt paper) below resembles rather strongly a certain Queen B.

Star Shots III – The go-between

For now I cannot reveal how the spirit of living celeb’ star J. exposed herself on my photographic paper (image below), but I do sense quite strongly, that she won’t be the only apparition in my darkroom cabinet.

With the new series, Star Shots III will gradually expose the subtle agent mediating closely between the spirit and the celebrity world.

Katier Shows: AC Gallery Berlin


AC Galerie + Occulto Magazine present

Episode One: Printed Matters + Music

29 October 2010
7 pm – 0 am

First selection of publications
Focusing on unique issues and side-projects

Occulto collaborated with:
Case da disabitare (Italy)
Non Amarmi (Italy)

is glad to present and support:
RAWRAW Edizioni (Italy)

loves and recommends:
_____ -micro research (Germany)
Kathrin Günter(Germany)
I .doc you will (Germany)
Monochrom (Austria)
Multiplex Fiction (Austria)
Waehre Koenige (Austria)

First of a series of concerts
Focusing on experimental sounds

8.30 pm
Fausto Maijstral
(New Zealand, Germany, Italy)

Katier Shows: Casting: Visite Ma Tente – 22/01/10


Visite ma Tente
Schwedenstr 18b
13357 Berlin

Ende Januar wird Visite ma tente in der Schwedenstraße “abgebaut”.
Daher möchten wir Sie gerne zu einer letzten Blitzausstellung einladen, um die letzten 5 Jahre
gemeinsamer Arbeit zusammen zu feiern.


Carla Ahlander | Bettina Allamoda | Guillaume Alimoussa | Michelle Alperin | Nándor Angstenberger | Astrali/Pierce | Joel Bartholomeo | Manon Bellet | Cecile Belmont | Katja Brinkmann | Matthew Burbidge| Nicolas Cilins | Alexine Chanel | Pascal Danz| Stefan Davi | Kane Do | Bruno Dorn | Jürgen Eisenacher | Christel Fetzer | Asi Föcker | Matthias Fritsch | Anne Gathmann | April Gertler | Robert Gfader| Maurus Gmür | Pierre Granoux | Julien Grenier| Sabine Gross | Kathrin Günter | Lise Harvey | Vanessa Henn | Iréne Hug | Sofia Hultén | Hervé Humbert | Peter Jap Lim | Thomas Jocher | Halina Kliem | Wolf von Kries | Käthe Elke Kruse | Simone Lanzenstiel/ Tom Früchtl | Julia Lazarus | Delphine Lefort | Sabina van der Linden | Gerard Mantz | Tatiana Masuric | Matthias Mayer | Karin Müller | Yvonne Paul | Lilla von Puttkammer | Joe Neave | Tere Recarens | Anne Rinn | Martin G. Schmid| Michael Schultze | Ivan Seal | Eva Seufert | Amelia Seymour | Heidi Sill | Catriona Shaw | Assan Smati | Albert Weis | Maya Weyermann | Gernot Wieland | Barbara Wille | Christina Woditschka | Shingo Yoshida | Claudia Zweifel.

Eröffnung Freitag, den 22. Januar 2010

23. – 24. 01. 2010, 16-20 Uhr

Galerie Visite ma tente
Schwedenstraße 18b |13357 berlin
Tel +49 (0) 178 7060247

Marie-josé Ourtilane

U 8 Pankstrasse
U 9 Osloerstrasse
Tram M13, 50